Seville Orange and Rhubarb Chutney
A beautiful way to combine the beautiful Spanish Seville and our English Rhubarb. Ingredients: 2 x large onions peeled and chopped, ( pop an onion in the fridge before you chop it and it will be easier to chop) 400g of Rhubarb chopped 4 Seville Oranges (waitrose have the best as they are organic.) 75g of dried fruit either raisins or sultans piece of root ginger chopped 1 tsp of ground nutmeg 3 whole cloves salt and pepper I tend to season to taste, so 2 tsp of salt and 1 of pepper. 225g of muscovado sugar 600ml of...
Marmalade Recipe 1.5 kilo of @Gospacitrus Seville oranges 1 lemon juiced 2.5 litres of water 2kg of sugar Wash the oranges Peel and slice the peel as thick or as thin as you like it to be. Juice the oranges (ideally you need 1 litre of juice) Keep all pipes and pith and place in a muslin cloth. Place all the ingredients including the water into a pan and leave in a cool place overnight. The next day, first things are first, get the jars ready to do this your need to wash your jars in warm soapy water (...
One day my Quince will Ripen!
Quinces have been grown for centuries, a fruit that is a quiet king of the orchard, a truly magnificent fruit. Here in England they are misunderstood, overlooked and underused, so get out and find your quince he may look like a frog but once you cook it it turns into a prince. Something as simple as adding quince to an apple pie, will change your taste buds forever. It is like nothing on this earth will ever be the same again. Quince has always been the pinnacle of the year for me - although I have other fruit to pick and...

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