Marmalade Recipe
- 1.5 kilo of @Gospacitrus Seville oranges
- 1 lemon juiced
- 2.5 litres of water
- 2kg of sugar
- Wash the oranges
- Peel and slice the peel as thick or as thin as you like it to be.
- Juice the oranges (ideally you need 1 litre of juice)
Keep all pipes and pith and place in a muslin cloth.
Place all the ingredients including the water into a pan and leave in a cool place overnight.
The next day, first things are first, get the jars ready to do this your need to wash your jars in warm soapy water ( or in a dishwasher) rinse and pop them in a medium heated oven for 10 minutes until dry, leave them there until you require them.
Now place your pan on the stovetop and bring to the boil. Once at boiling point simmer for 2 hours uncovered until the peel is soft.
Remove from the heat and take out the cloth with the pith and place it in a colander to squeeze out the pectin and any juices from this little magic bag. This needs to be added to your marmalade.
Slowly add the sugar dissolving it as you add it to the liquid, once the sugar has dissolved bring to the boil. The marmalade boils and it looks very fierce and magical all at eh same time. Within 10mins you will feel the marmalade thicken on your spoon, so check your marmalade for set you require every 5 minutes or so. Once you have reached the set. Take the marmalade off the stove and leave it to settle for about 5 minutes.
Now you may find a little frothy texture on top of your Marmalade and in many recipes, it request that you place a nob of butter to disperse this however, I feel that butter should be left for your toast, so either ladle it off with a slotted spoon. DON’T loss this place it in a bowl to use as a filling for a cake or even a cocktail. It still tastes amazing, I stir mine into ice cream.
Ladle into your clean jars and lid. Enjoy with your breakfast toast. But remember marmalade can be used in many, many dishes and recipes. If you use marmalade in a recipe please feel to share and let us all know how you use your any photos of your dishes would be wonderful to see.
Happy Marmalade making
Jennifer x